Sample Lesson Plan

The following lesson is based off of the "Neuron" simulation from PhET found here: 

Lesson Objective:
  • Describe how membrane permeability changes in terms of different types of channels in a neuron.
  • Describe the sequence of events that generates an action potential.
(Taken from PhET website)
Notes about this Lesson:
This lesson requires a computer for every two students (they will be working in pairs). Students could either bring in their computers with the simulation already DOWNLOADED on their computer (this will allow students to access the simulation in class without internet), or plans could be made for the class to use a computer lab or other school-supplied computer resource. 

This lesson should ideally be taught after students have learned about the basic structure and functioning of a neuron. This lesson is designed to give students a deeper understanding of how a neuron and action potential work. 

Lead a class discussion on how we sense and feel things, and how we are able to react to those senses. Facilitate the discussion by providing students with scenarios in order to give them a basis to explain their ideas. Example scenarios are touching a hot surface on a stove, feeling someone tap you on the shoulder to get your attention, jamming your toe against a hard surface, etc. This would also be a good opportunity to review information that has been covered about neuron structure and the nervous system. In addition, students may also find it helpful to draw out their ideas on a piece of paper with an outline of the human body.

Introduce the Neuron simulation from the PhET website by showing the students the simulation on the overhead projector. Explain the different control functions that the simulation has. These include the zooming and speed drag tools and display options (Show Ions, Potential Chart, Show Charges, Show Concentrations).  Then assign students partners to work with on a computer. Provide each student with a worksheet (click here to download worksheet) and instruct students to work with their partners to explore the simulation and answer questions #1-5 on the worksheet.
( Worksheet created by Karl Matulis, Gardiner Area High School)

After students have completed the first five questions from the worksheet have students continue on to answer the remaining questions on the worksheet. Be available to help students that have questions or need help answering a question. After students have finished the worksheet, go over the worksheet with the entire class.

Have students individually answer the following writing prompt on a separate piece of paper and turn it in:

Write a 3-5 sentence summary explaining how a signal travels down a neuron, using the following terms:
                Action potential                                Na+                                        K+ Channel                                   
                Neuron                                                Threshold                            Myelin sheath                  
                Resting potential             

Have students watch the following three minute clip about congenital insensitivity to pain, a rare genetic disorder that causes a mutation in the sodium channels of pain sensory neurons. Lead a short discussion about the disease and how it relates to the PhET neuron simulation. (What would the simulation look like if it were a pain sensory neuron from someone who had this disease?)

Looking more lesson ideas?
This lesson was based off of resources that PhET provides on their website for teachers!
To find more simulation-based lesson ideas click here

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